Frequently Asked Questions

Who does Loop the Lagoon benefit?
Loop the Lagoon is a charitable event benefitting the Vacaville Public Education Foundation. To get a better idea of what VPEF is and how they help, head over to their site at www.vpef.org

I don't enjoy running, but I still want to support my local school, how can I do that?
We understand that not everyone enjoys running, but that you may still want to support your local schools. Help support VPEF's continuing mission by making a cash contribution by clicking the donate button at the top of the page or head over to our volunteer page and donate your time!
Fleet Feet Sports in downtown Vacaville has been a long-time supporter of VPEF and the annual Loop the Lagoon race. Get fit in a top of the line shoe by one of their expert staff and inquire about their various training programs and running groups. They have a 5K group and tower Challenge group starting in February, Click here to visit their page.

What is the absolute latest I can register for this event?
You can register for any of the events up to race day, although for our planning purposes we appreciate early sign ups. To be guaranteed a shirt you must register by April 16th.

Where is packet pickup?
To pick up your official Loop The Lagoon shirt and your race day bib head over to Fleet Feet in downtown Vacaville on April 26th between noon and 6pm or race day at Lagoon Valley park from 6:30 to 8AM.

What about race day parking?
The cost of parking is included in the cost of your registration (paid by Fleet Feet, Vacaville to the City of Vacaville). Here is a map to the parking area. We suggest you get to the park no later the 7:50 to ensure you get in the parking area before the outside gates are closed (at 8).
Email our Race Director at carol@fleetfeetvacaville.com